ANIME REVIEW: Erased (2016)

"I wanted to fill the hole in the heart. Other people's and my own."

So many times we think to go to the past and to erase some mistakes, some decisions, some actions, which should have never done, so we don't have to face its consequences in the present and can make it more bearable. In this miniseries anime 'Erased' the protagonist transported to his past at a certain time, in which he should have made some decisions and should have taken some actions so he can change some bad consequences in the future. From here an interesting detective tell starts which keeps us engaging till the last. 

Satoru, the protagonist, has an ability to go into the past which he calls 'revival'. A 29-year-old manga writer, he transported by his revivals from 2006 to 1988 when he was in 5th grade, to the time, when something horrible happened in his town. His mission is to stop those horrendous events before happening. In a short time, we start to like all the characters, especially friends and mother of Satoru. Their bonds with each other give a wholesome feeling. The characters and mysterious plot keep our attention intact. 

With the detective storyline, we also learn how he starts to appreciate everything around him which he didn't when he was actually in that time, his mother, friends, people, etc. This time he is less fake and more real. He also has gained the confidence to take actions on time when they should have taken which is among the important lessons the series gives us. He is trying his best to erase everything which should not be there, and by it, he is placing something there which should be there always. How he is doing it and whether he would be successful or not that is the story. I recommend it, it's a fun and thrilling series. Everyone should watch it. It gives a wonderful feeling. 

Also, it shows us that, in real life, we never get a chance of revival and we never can go to the past, so it's better to take actions at the right time, rather regret about them through whole life later. Also, appreciate everything around you, you never know, and the next second you would not have it.

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